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CherryFramework 3 Troubleshooter. Button links lead to

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This tutorial provides an explanation on how to deal with the issue when button links lead to instead of a needed URL in CherryFramework 3 template.

This issue occurs when [button] shortcode is added incorrectly. In order to fix it, please perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin panel and navigate to the Pages -> All Pages section.

  2. Click the appropriate page to edit it.

  3. Locate the [button] shortcode that is used for displaying the button with incorrect link. For example, it looks like this:

    [button text="all services" link="all services" style="primary" size="normal" target="_self" display="inline" icon="no"]
  4. In order to use the correct link, you should add link to the [button] shortcode like this:

    [button text="all services" link="" style="primary" size="normal" target="_self" display="inline" icon="no"]

    where the link attribute must be equal to URL of the page only

  5. Press the Update button in order to save your changes.


Now you know how to deal with the issue when button links lead to instead of a needed URL in CherryFramework 3 template.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

CherryFramework 3 Troubleshooter. Button links lead to
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