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shoppingBag Sales: 52

Created: 2016年9月21日

Updated: 2021年3月17日

ID: 59007

og体育首页ONE -无限下载 $13.25/mo

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杜瓦尔-葡萄园,酒厂WordPress主题-功能图像1杜瓦尔-葡萄园,酒厂WordPress主题-功能图像2杜瓦尔-葡萄园,酒厂WordPress主题-功能图像3杜瓦尔-葡萄园,酒厂WordPress主题-功能图像4Duval -葡萄园,酒厂WordPress主题-功能图片5Duval -葡萄园,酒厂WordPress主题-功能图片6


通过互联网订购产品是一项很受欢迎的业务, 和任何餐厅一样,最好有自己的网站. There is no need to allocate serious amounts from the budget - vineyard, winery WordPress主题将完美地处理这个任务. You can make an effective and functional solution based on the template.

在设计卖酒的商店时, it is important to make such a navigation so that the visitor has the feeling that he is in a stylish, beautiful, 神奇的地方. That is why green is chosen as the main shade in the template - a symbol of warmth, comfort, 友好的气氛. If your store positions itself as a place to buy goods for cute sit-ins with friends (watching melodramas for wine or talking in the kitchen under a glass of champagne), 那么这是最好的选择. 无论如何, 例如,可以用另一种颜色替换绿色, 酒红色或深紫色, 并赋予页面一种完全不同的情绪.

Simple, but charming in terms of design template WordPress with niche purpose: pub, 啤酒餐厅, 在线销售含酒精饮料,送货上门. 设计和配色方案符合他们的任务, 已经创建了一个页面,用于在菜单上放置商品, there is an Events Management feature that helps make promotions or announce new things. 保证您的移动适应性.


Working with the site by vineyard, winery WordPress theme is a convenient and simple task. This is a good way to get a functional site in a reasonable time and little money. 该模板可以使独特和修改,以适应您的业务.

The WordPress template for a 葡萄酒餐厅 provides not only an elegant thematic design, where each sample of a noble drink can be presented as a separate product card, 讲述功能, history, bouquet, 还要管理事件. 这将有助于顾客预定某些饮料, 和网站所有者举办活动, 比如品尝或展示新产品, 之前在页面上宣布. A stylish online store allows you to sell wine and other drinks online.

Adaptive and designed for viewing both on the computer and on mobile devices, the WordPress template for the restaurant is elegant and attractive due to its simple and spectacular design. Here you can put emphasis on the best dishes - on the background it is recommended to put photos and a white neutral tone.

创建正确的网站内容,吸引你的目标受众! 这很简单, 因为你只需要替换文字和照片, 其他的一切都已经准备好了. 最重要的是准备好产品的照片. 他们会出售. If you do not have the right equipment for photos or high-quality shooting skills, 最好雇佣一个能尽一切可能的人. The template already contains the necessary blocks, optimally built and decorated. The default site, without any design edits, looks organic - exactly as it should. 以一种好的、可预测的方式,引起食欲.


  • 适应移动设备;
  • 餐厅或咖啡馆的现成解决方案;
  • 使用内置小部件的简单菜单设计;
  • a complete set of communications, a mechanism for setting pop-up windows according to scenarios;
  • module for automatic promotion of sites in search engines - mega-chip for beginners;
  • 方便的工具设置字体,配色方案和效果;
  • 接受在线支付的可能性.

Social network buttons, a convenient contact form, and a travel card have already been set up here. Make communication with your café and restaurant convenient for visitors from the very beginning. Specify the main restaurant data: address, telephone and working time. 告诉我们是什么让你的公司与众不同.

If the restaurant has a famous chef, be sure to tell about it on the site. Stories about people have a good effect on the confidence of visitors and raise the level of the institution in their eyes. 如果餐厅举办音乐会或其他活动, 在站点上指示即将发生的事件的公告. 不要忘记定期更新海报.

Properly placed calls to action will help you interact with visitors and make the site more attractive.

杜瓦尔不仅仅是一个葡萄园,酒庄WordPress主题. Promote your business, develop your brand and customer base, taking advantage of your new resource!


Incredibly stylish, rich looking and beautiful theme for restaurant, café, food 递送服务. It provides advanced contact forms and the implementation of a professional store that helps the customer navigate, 选择你感兴趣的菜, 下订单. 你们可以给常客打折, moreover, 它们将在通过网站订购时独立形成, 即使是在餐厅预定座位. 该功能不仅允许您放置菜单本身, 还有配料, 卡路里含量和其他有关食物和菜肴的有用信息. 画廊里有一个有力的空白, 在哪里发布机构本身的照片比较好.

On such a site, visitors will want to stay as long as possible to study the menu or book a table.

不要浪费时间寻找程序员和开发一个网站. 使用现成的解决方案,今天就开始您的网站. You also have constant technical support - you will get answers to all your questions.

Create the atmosphere of your restaurant and communicate with visitors online. 这是一个轻松获得新客户的好机会! 想看看细节? 现在就下载演示版本来了解这个主题!



  • 樱桃插件删除;
  • 修复了一些小bug;
  • 元素页面生成器.1兼容;
  • WordPress 5.7兼容.


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4.4 /5
支持度评分(563年评级) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 436 4 37 3 14 2 6 1 70
响应时间: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
