This instrumental, positive royalty free Folk track has a commercial/country/western vibe, 非常适合做演示, commercials and backgrounds of all types (particularly casual scenes), and...

中国新年庆祝音乐 by AudioMechanicaMusic

This is traditional Chinese-style orchestral music that is perfect for media projects and footage related to China, Japan, South Korea, 和其他东方国家! Music is great for...
Hello) Bright, funny, positive track perfect to set an happy and motivational mood. 这条赛道正在逐渐发展. A light melody of bamboo flute and steel drums give the summer a playful...
Accordion       &手风琴旋律:一种情感的演奏"

手风琴《og体育首页》 by Oleksandr_Yatsenko

"Accordion" is a medium-speed romantic music for cafes in Paris, movies and romantic comedies. 优雅,舒适,并创造一个无与伦比的心情.

Bombasto(传统马戏演奏) by piccadillyCircus

This is a traditional piece of circus music arranged for fanfare.Suggested use: circus, carnival, amusement parks, comedy, slapstick, parades, childrens themes.
Traditional french folk waltz performed by accordion and acoustic guitar. A melody perfect for romantic comedy inspired videos and France or Paris related projects.
高能量的无伴奏音乐,伴随着强烈的冲击, 欢快的电吉他, 俏皮的民族木槌(balafon)和时髦的手风琴. Fast tempo with influences of traditional upbeat grooves of Mali,...
积极向上的非洲民间乐器音乐. 以不同的民族乐器为特色,如belafon, marimba, ukulele, 打击乐器和原声/电吉他.
Sunny Funny Ska -音轨
Please note: an instrumental version is included in the package!A happy tropical Ska track suitable for a teen/beach commercial, or similar project. 也适合喜剧电影场景或任何...